Environmental Resource Solutions

ERS provides aviation clients and stakeholders with a variety of ecological services. Our firm has a thorough understanding of the challenges airports face when implementing Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations and guidance in conjunction with environmental agency regulations. By possessing airport management experience, understanding of airport operations, and scientific knowledge of natural resource regulations, ERS provides innovative approaches to address client needs. Our use of industry standard geographic information system (GIS); computer-aided design (CAD); Global Position System (GPS); and remote sensing tools, Trimble, and Autodesk AutoCAD, supports seamless integration of geospatial-based technology with planning, management and decision needs.

Our aviation services include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Wildlife Hazard Assessments (WHA)
• Wildlife Hazard Management Plans (WHMP)
• Wildlife Hazard Site Visits (WHSV)
• Wildlife Hazard Management Training
  (including Firearms Safety Training)
• Environmental Resource Permitting
  (wetlands and wildlife)
• NEPA Documentation
• Protected Species Surveys
• Biological Monitoring
• Environmental Planning
• Ecological documentation for Airport Master Plans
• Construction Monitoring

ERS Wildlife Hazard Management Services

Our firm’s professional staff includes four (4) FAA Qualified Airport Wildlife Biologists who have completed WHAs, WHMPs, WHSVs, and training throughout the country.

ERS staff has experience conducting wildlife hazard services at multiple airports.